(*)Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP İşbirliği ile Turgut Reis Hayvan Bakımevine Yapılan Yardımlar
Toyzz Shop ve HAYTAP iş birliği devam ettiği sürece iyilikler suya atılan taşın oluşturduğu halkalar gibi artacak ve büyüyecektir.
Dünyada her şeyi satın alabilir ya da satabilirsiniz. Ancak hayaller ve gülümsemeler ne alınır ne de satılır. Hayal dünyası ise bir çocuğun geleceğidir. Bir çocuk hayal ettiği kadar gelişir ve büyür.
Toyzz S?hop çocuklara hayal ettiren, gülümseten, mutluluğu paketleyebilen bir kurum? ve şimdi ise kimsesiz patili çocuklarımıza mutluluk hediye etmek için çalışmalarda bulunuyor...
Her oyuncakta bir çocuğu mutlu edip hayal dünyasına gönderirken, bir başka canlıya da hayat vermek çok erdemli ve onurlu bir davranış.
Bence çocuklarla hayvanlar arasında pek de bir fark yok gibi. İkisi de saf. İkisi de sevgiye ve ilgiye muhtaç.
Bodrum Turgut Reis hayvan bakımevi, Toyzz S?hop desteği ile statüsünü değiştirerek hayvan bakım evi merkezi olacaktır.
Çocukları sevindirdiğiniz kadar bizleri de mutlu ettiniz.
Çocuklar güldükçe insanlık gülecek.
Sevinç+ Mutluluk+ Gülümseme + İlgi = Çocuk
Mutluluk paketlerinizin hiç tükenmemesi dileği ile..
Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP iş birliği ile Turgut Reis Bakımevine kazandırılanlar:
- Konteyner 1 adet 3X 7 metre
- Yoğun Bakım cihazı
- Hemogram cihazı
- ?Oksijen tüpü ve maskeler
- Ethejer
- Kedi idrar sondası 10 adet
- Köpek idrar sondası 10 adet
- 4 lü test (hızlı tanı test ) 1 kutu
- Parvo test 1 kutu
- Distemper test 1 kutu
- Steteskop
- Bağırsak pensi 2 adet
- Aligatör pens 1 adet
- Matkap
- ?Traş makinesi ve uçları
- Laringoskop ?
Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP Cooperation for Donations to Turgut Reis Animal Rehabilitation Center
As long as Toyzz Shop and HAYTAP keep working together, goodness will grow and grow like the rings formed by the stone that is thrown into the water.
In this world you can buy or sell everything. But dreams and smiles are neither bought nor sold.
The dream world is the future of a child. A child develops and grows as much as he or she imagines.
Toyzz S?hop is an organisation that allows children to dream and to smile and it packages happiness for kids, and now their help has reached our poor pawed stray children.
It is a very virtuous and honourable act to give life to another creature while with every product a child is made happy and invited to the world of dreams.
If you ask me, there is no difference between children and animals. Both are innocent, both need love and attention.
The Turgut Reis Animal home in Bodrum will, with the support of Toyzz S?hop, upgrade its status and become an animal rehabilitation center.
You have made us just as happy as the children.
Every animal that has regained its health will have a logo of TOYZZ in their eyes.
As children laugh, humanity will laugh along.
Joy + Happiness + Smiles + Attention = A child
Hoping that the happiness packages never run out…
Items acquired thanks to the cooperation between Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP:
Container 1 piece 3X7 metres
Intensive care device
Hemogram device
Oxygen tank and masks
Cat Urine catheter 10 pieces
Dog Urine catheter 10 pieces
Test of 4 (quick diagnosis test) 1 box
Parvo test 1 box
Distemper test 1 box
Intestine clamps 2 pieces
Alligator Shears 1 pieces
?Electric Razor and heads
As long as Toyzz Shop and HAYTAP keep working together, goodness will grow and grow like the rings formed by the stone that is thrown into the water.
In this world you can buy or sell everything. But dreams and smiles are neither bought nor sold.
The dream world is the future of a child. A child develops and grows as much as he or she imagines.
Toyzz S?hop is an organisation that allows children to dream and to smile and it packages happiness for kids, and now their help has reached our poor pawed stray children.
It is a very virtuous and honourable act to give life to another creature while with every product a child is made happy and invited to the world of dreams.
If you ask me, there is no difference between children and animals. Both are innocent, both need love and attention.
The Turgut Reis Animal home in Bodrum will, with the support of Toyzz S?hop, upgrade its status and become an animal rehabilitation center.
You have made us just as happy as the children.
Every animal that has regained its health will have a logo of TOYZZ in their eyes.
As children laugh, humanity will laugh along.
Joy + Happiness + Smiles + Attention = A child
Hoping that the happiness packages never run out…
Items acquired thanks to the cooperation between Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP:
Container 1 piece 3X7 metres
Intensive care device
Hemogram device
Oxygen tank and masks
Cat Urine catheter 10 pieces
Dog Urine catheter 10 pieces
Test of 4 (quick diagnosis test) 1 box
Parvo test 1 box
Distemper test 1 box
Intestine clamps 2 pieces
Alligator Shears 1 pieces
?Electric Razor and heads