English Content

Stop Hunting

Hunting season has come and the hunters have started killing animals again. Especially many endangered animals are in serious danger. We wanted to see hunting through children's eyes and help stop it.

No matter how stubborn a father is, he just gives up something for his child.
Through this, we aimed to convey the common wish of all children to people interested in hunting.

The thing he hunted is actually the future of his child, if nature disappears in this way, children will be deprived of nature and all these beauties in the future.
Only children can show this to them. If they saw the animals they hunted through the eyes of children, will they continue to hunt in this way? People with hearts think after this image. If the child wants, everything changes. If we take the power of children behind us, we can create great awareness. For the future of our children, let's do something to stop hunting, please. Let the future of the theirs not be the target.

Print advertisement created by THEBADGUYS, Turkey for Haytap, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
