(*) SHKD Erzincan’da Kısırlaştırma Eğitiminde
Vet Murat Bekhan, Vet Necdet Ugur ve Vet Teknikeri Omer Atis’tan olusan SHKD ekibi, kisirlastirma yapmak ve belediye veterinerlerini egitmek icin gittikleri Erzincan’dan cok umutlu izlenimlerle donduler. Erzincan’ın genç belediye başkanı Yüksel Çakir’in konuya bilincli yaklasimi umut vericiydi. Sokak hayvani sorununun kisirlastirip yerine birakma ile cozulecegine inandigini Dogu Anadolu’da bu yontemi uygulayan ve basariya ulasan ornek sehir olmak istediklerini soyledi. Ekibi ameliyatlari yaparken bizzat ziyaret etti, daha sonra makamina davet ederek ayrintili bilgi aldi. Erzincan Belediye Barinagi da baskanin konuyu ciddiye aldiginin ve sorunu insani yontemlerle cozmek istedigini yansıtır sekilde kopeklerin turlerinin ihtiyac duydugu kosullara uygun bir bicimde disayn edilmisti. Baskanin konuya ciddiyetle yaklastiginin diger bir gostergesi de veterinerlerden birinin sadece sokak hayvanlarinin kisirlastirilmasi icin ise alinmis olmasiydi. Arkadaslarimiz, son derece caliskan, hevesli ve hayvansever bir veteriner olan Eyüp Beye anahtar deligi teknigini uygulamali bir sekilde gosterdiler. SHKD ekibi, Erzincan’da, hayvanseverlerin yakalayarak getirdigi 120 kopek ve 19 kediyi ameliyat ettiler. Veteriner Eyüp beyin bu misyonu ayni titizlikle devam ettireceginden emin olarak ayrildilar.
Erzincan ornegi Turkiye’de birseylerin degistigine dair umut verici oldu. Belediye Başkanı Yuksel Cakir’a sokak hayvani sorununa bu insani ve rasyonel yaklasimi icin tesekkur ediyoruz. Erzincan’in tum Dogu Anadolu icin ornek il olmasini umuyoruz. Bu calismanin gerceklesmesi icin destek veren Hollanda’lı Actiezwerfhonden Dernegine ve SHKD ekibinden sevgili arkadaslarimiz Murat Bekhan, Necdet Ugur ve Omer Atis’a tesekkur ediyoruz.
Bilge Okay
SHKD team in Erzincan
The SHKD team of veterinaries, Murat Bekhan, Necdet Ugur and vet technician Omer Atis have returned with very positive impressions from Erzincan where they had gone to train municipality vets about the “key hole” technique and to neuter stray animals. It was especially amazing to observe the young mayor Yuksel Cakir’s very conscious approach to the issue. He said he believed that the problem of overpopulation of stray animals can be solved by neuter and return and that he wanted Erzincan to be the leading city in Eastern Anatolia to implement this technique and to solve the problem. He visited the SHKD team during operation and then invited them to his office afterwards to get through information about the subject. It was remarkable that the municipality shelter was also designed in a way that is convenient for the species needs of the dogs. Another indicator for the mayor’s serious approach was that one of the two vets was particularly employed only for neutering of stray animals. Our friends taught Vet Eyup Bey, who is a very industrious, enthusiastic and compassionate person, the details of the “key hole” technique. The SHKD team neutered 120 dogs and 19 cats during their visit. They have left ERzincan confident that Vet Eyup will continue with the mission with utmost care.
Erzincan example gave hope for change in Turkey. We thank mayor Yuksel Cakir for his humane and rational approach to the problem and hope that Erzincan be an example for all Eastern Anatolia and all Turkey. We thank Acitezwerfhonden for their support and our dear friends Murat Bekhan, Nejdet Ugur and Omer Atis for their precious efforts.