English Content

  • How to Make a Donation to Haytap

    How to Make a Donation to Haytap

    Our official bank account numbers for regular donations are listed in the link below. We do not have any other bank account other than these. Please use our bank account numbers when you want to make a contribution or fill in the form on the following link below to arrange for regular donations to be charged to your credit card; https://fonzip.com/haytap/bagis ( the donation web site is in english ,french , dutch , spanis

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  • Stray Dogs Of Istanbul

    Stray Dogs Of Istanbul


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  • Turkey’s Stray Dog ‘Massacre Law’ Has Divided Its Country

    Turkey’s Stray Dog ‘Massacre Law’ Has Divided Its Country

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JTOhr8-Pmo For centuries, stray dogs in Turkey have lived alongside humans in communities who care for and feed them. The country has even instituted progressive animal right laws to protect healthy street dogs and criminalizes those who may hurt these animals with jail time. This longstanding tr

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  • Mancs: Meaning; claw…

    Mancs: Meaning; claw…

    Mancs: Meaning; claw… Mancs, who came from Miskolc, Hungary with the Spider Rescue team, had pulled four-year-old ‘Hatıra’ out of the rubble 82 hours after the August 17 earthquake. August 17, 1999. İzmit Bekirpaşa Town... They had Mancs smell the little boys quilt. Mancs was excitedly pointing to her location, wagging his tail, and scratching. As a result of the teams work, it was

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  • Haytap Annual Report -2023

    Haytap Annual Report -2023

    https://www.haytap.org/tr/haytap-2023-yili-faaliyet-raporu HAYTAP ( ANIMAL RIGHTS FEDERATION IN TURKEY ) 2023 ANNUAL REPORT WHAT DID HAYTAP DO IN 2023? You can reach out to our annual report through haytap.org to get information about our operations in 2023 as

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  • Stop New Law to Kill Stray Animals of Turkey

    Stop New Law to Kill Stray Animals of Turkey

    Historically there have always been many stray dogs in Turkey. They are part of our culture and most of them are friendly and do not pose a threat to people. For centuries we have lived side by side and many people in Turkey respect our stray dogs. The problem is that their numbers have grown year after year, because our government has not implemented the Trap-Neuter-Release programmes in their areas. Or when t

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  • What Is Happening exterminating millions of dogs in Turkey ? 2024 July

    What Is Happening exterminating millions of dogs in Turkey ? 2024 July

    The Turkish government has drawn up legislation to capture and sterilise stray dogs, before putting them down if they are not adopted within 30 days. This plan is backed-up by a government sponsored propaganda campaign, showing aggressive dogs and victims with rabies. Why is this happening? The reasons the Turkish government give for exterminating millions of dogs are:

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  • They do not believe in neutering but they believe in killing!

    They do not believe in neutering but they believe in killing!


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  • Sign the petition to save strays of Turkey

    Sign the petition to save strays of Turkey

    Sign the petition to save strays of Turkey DEVAMI »

  • Turkey Passes ‘Massacre Law’ Aimed At Street Dogs - 2024 August

    Turkey Passes ‘Massacre Law’ Aimed At Street Dogs - 2024 August

    On Tuesday, a potentially devastating new law aimed at getting stray dogs off the streets of Turkey was approved by the country’s parliament whilst thousands of animal lovers protested outside. The 17-article legislation, dubbed by campaigners as the ‘massacre law’ mandates that municipalities will have to collect stray dogs and house them in government-run shelters where they would be neutered a

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  • Stray Animals of Turkey and The Stray Dog Called Boji

    Stray Animals of Turkey and The Stray Dog Called Boji

    Stray Animals of Turkey and The Stray Dog Called Boji

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  • Haytap—Fighting for long-term change for animals in Turkey

    Haytap—Fighting for long-term change for animals in Turkey

    Before Haytap, the first Turkish animal rights federation, numerous isolated associations had been struggling for years, focusing exclusively on rescuing local stray dogs and cats. Those kind individuals were so exhausted and resource-strapped that they couldn’t catch their breaths and plan far ahead. It took Ahmet Kemal Şenpolat, a lawyer with a broad perspective, long-term commitment and stra

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  • Haytap was deemed worthy of the Animal Rights Award for Those Who Add Value to Life...

    Haytap was deemed worthy of the Animal Rights Award for Those Who Add Value to Life...

    For its efforts to develop animal rights and freedoms in Turkey, to promote them to large audiences, to include animals other than pets, particularly in the recent Mediterranean fires, and to contribute to the institutionalization of animal rights, Haytap was deemed worthy of the Animal Rights Award for Those Who Add Value to Life. (please click ) height=</p DEVAMI »

  • Turkish Strays in NY TIMES

    Turkish Strays in NY TIMES

    ISTANBUL — I’m no animal lover. Cats make me sneeze. When our daughter flew the roost it never occurred to me to fill the empty nest with a dog. But with Turkey now considering a bill that would cull Istanbul’s estimated 150,000 stray cats and dogs, I may well change my mind. It wouldn’t be possible to live in a traditional neighborhood here and be against all beasts. Shaggy dogs strol

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  • Haytap 2023 Annual Activity Report

    Haytap 2023 Annual Activity Report

    The table, where you can see the activity report of the Haytap Animal Rights Federation in 2023, for what the incoming donations were spent, item by item, and even videos and photographs of many of them, is in the link below. As you can see from the table, the biggest item of expenditure was the earthquake period that occurred on February 6, 2023, where 150 thousand people died and affected a very wid

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  • A baby donkey . An Emotional Story from our Haytap Retirement Animals Sanctuary
  • Stray Dog Population Control

    Stray Dog Population Control

    This new law ( 2024 August ) is madness, totally impractical and useless. It will simply result in municipal dog catchers picking up friendly, approachable dogs and then later starving or killing them. It obviously will do nothing to solve the surplus dog problem, in fact it will make it worse, because by removing neutered, vaccinated dogs with ear clips from the streets, they will create carrying capacity for fertile

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  • A baby burnt calf . A rescued story from our Haytap Retirement Animals Sanctuary in Bursa / Turkey
  • (*) What Is HAYTAP?

    (*) What Is HAYTAP?

    HAYTAP ANIMAL RIGHTS FEDERATION in TURKEY is the first federation of Turkey , gathering all associations having the same opinion on this issue for the protection of the nature, the environment and the animal rights. In order to raise awareness among the people on the violation of the rights of nature in which we are living and animals, to avoid the violations, our Federation open trials at the courts as much as it can with its power, participates to the trainin

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  • Dog Sancturies and Problems of Strays in Turkey , Haytap Presıdent explains

    Dog Sancturies and Problems of Strays in Turkey , Haytap Presıdent explains

    Dog Sancturies and Problems of Strays in Turkey , Haytap Presıdent explains Dog Sancturies and Problems of Strays in Turkey , SENPOLAT president of Haytap reported current situation of that tragic case happened in Konya in 2022 .

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  • Donations to HAYTAP

    Donations to HAYTAP

    GARANTI BANK Name of Account : HAYTAP HAYVAN HAKLARI FEDERASYONU Mecidiyeköy Cadde Branch Branch Code : 357 <

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  • Retired Farm Animals Sanctuary of Haytap in Bursa Turkey

    Retired Farm Animals Sanctuary of Haytap in Bursa Turkey

    Retired Animals Sanctuary for farm animals is located in Bursa -Turkey ( 2019) and the second one was also brought to life in Osmaniye ( in Turkey ) in october 2022 We also plan to set up the third one in Dalaman in following months with your contributions and donations Please watch our short movie explaining why we established these places ( with English subtitles ) DEVAMI »

  • Haytap - Animal Rights Federation in Turkey ’s rescue works in ITV NEWS
  • Is it a Contradiction to Run Campaigns such as  Painless Slaughter, Meatless Monday simultaneously with campaigns to become Vegetarian /Vegan ?

    Is it a Contradiction to Run Campaigns such as Painless Slaughter, Meatless Monday simultaneously with campaigns to become Vegetarian /Vegan ?

    It is not a contradiction that these campaigns are carried out simultaneously within the same NGO. Because NGOs should not lead to already known rules, rituals

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  • Rescue teams treat animals saved from the rubble of Turkey quakes

    Rescue teams treat animals saved from the rubble of Turkey quakes

    Amid the immense human suffering caused by the earthquakes, animals have been hugely affected, too. Antakya, Turkey – In a field hospital set up for animals in this southern city, a cat meowed in half-heart

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  • Summary of Turkish Animal Laws & Pending Legislation as of 2021 April

    Summary of Turkish Animal Laws & Pending Legislation as of 2021 April

    TURKEY NUMBERS • Istanbul is Turkey’s largest city with ~15 million people, 15th largest in the world • According to the city's 2018 figures there are some 162,970 stray cats and 128,900 dogs. •&nbs

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  • Osmaniye Haytap 2ndRetired Animals Sanctuary  Opened - Oct 2022

    Osmaniye Haytap 2ndRetired Animals Sanctuary Opened - Oct 2022

    Osmaniye Haytap Retired Animals Sanctuary Opened 2022 <

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  • Turkish Animal Rescue Teams Overwhelmed After Earthquake

    Turkish Animal Rescue Teams Overwhelmed After Earthquake

    Dogs, cats, birds and even a sheep are being treated by animal charity Haytap after the horrible earthquake disaster More than 45,000 people have died and tens of thousands have been injured as a result of the devastating earthquakes that impacted northwestern Syria and Turkey on Feb. 6. The earthquakes—the deadliest in the world since Japan&rsqu

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  • Haytap Rescues Animal Friends In Earthquake Zone

    Haytap Rescues Animal Friends In Earthquake Zone

    Eartquake that happened on the 6th of February has affected around 10 big cities. The area it covers is really big. As HAYTAP , Animal Rights Federation in Turkey , we only have power to go to just one area because of having limited amound of trained people and resources. This city is called HATAY-ANTAKYA (ancient city called ANTIACHEIA). Unfortunatly the weather conditions are really bad and there is a

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  • HAYTAP Retired  Animals Sanctuary

    HAYTAP Retired Animals Sanctuary

    Did you know HAYTAP has built a sanctuary for retired animals in Bursa / Turkey? HAYTAP established a sanctuary for animals who have worked their whole life for humans and have suffered in silence year after year. HAYTAP's main objective at opening this lovely place is to provide their all needs;

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    HABERTURK GAZETESİ 11 EYLÜL 2010 IN ORDER TO HELP TO THE WEAK Fortunately, in recent years, many people have finally learned that the animal protection law is within the scope of misdemeanor law. We are quite proud to see those who as a result of our long efforts back up the significant detail we have been explaining since 2005 on why the law remains

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    FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HAYTAP IS DEFINITELY NOT A NOTIFICATION PLATFORM Please send an email to bilgi@haytap.org if you are interested in bei

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  • We Must Change Our Diet So That The World Can Be More Livable
  • Rescue, relief efforts pick up pace with Marmaris forest fire under control
  • Haytap - Turkish Animal Rights Federation,  Credential for CAF International Validated Organization
  • Painless Slaughter

    Painless Slaughter

    Painless Slaughter

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  • Forest Fires of Turkey 2021 - Haytap’s Struggle in The Fire Areas

    Forest Fires of Turkey 2021 - Haytap’s Struggle in The Fire Areas

    Forest Fires of Turkey 2021 - Haytap's Struggle in The Fire Areas

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  • Stop Hunting

    Stop Hunting

    Hunting season has come and the hunters have started killing animals again. Especially many endangered animals are in serious danger. We wanted to see hunting through children's eyes and help stop it. No matter how stubborn a father is, he just gives up something for his child.
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    Please click on the link to watch Haytap's Public Awareness short movies : Trap Neuter Release ( TNR ) short movie with english subtitles : DEVAMI »



    Animal Rights - Against Animal Welfare A business owner working as a kebab shop is not an animal rights advocate just because he gives leftovers to stray dogs; rather, he is sensitive to particular species’ comfortable living. He doesnt question animal rights. In his opinion, It is normal that cows are killed but at the same time, the cat he sees on the street are fed. This is not an

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  • Forest Fires in Turkey 2021 Summer

    Forest Fires in Turkey 2021 Summer


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  • ARD CHANNEL GERMANY- Haytap Rescue Team in Forest Fires  -2021 Summer- ( German )

    ARD CHANNEL GERMANY- Haytap Rescue Team in Forest Fires -2021 Summer- ( German )

    "Forest fires in different parts of Turkey have also killed and burnt many animals. Free makeshift hospitals have been set-up in different areas to treat the animals." Haytap's Field Hospitals continue to heal our different species of animal friends who are victims of fire. If you want to help us reach more animals with your donations, you could donate via DEVAMI »



    Fires in recent days have caused the death of millions of animals. Turkey, Greece, and other European countries have been suffering from severe forest fires in 63 different locations in 21 cities. This is an emergency. All over the world, the climate crisis has shown its serious consequences. Extreme phenomena linked to the climate emergency are multiplying everywhere, l

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  • 80 thousand dogs’ exiled story to a remote island in Istanbul in 1910
  • World Peace Award for Haytap

    World Peace Award for Haytap

    Haytap has received the award for best NGO in Community Service from the Mevlana Foundation. We received this award on behalf of all those who have supported Haytap over the years. “Most of the time we assume we are writing for only a few people… and they don’t read our work. We actually speak out to those few whom we will never get to know…” The explanation of why Haytap was awarded with this honour and the speech we gave at the a

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  • Why isn’t the Animal Rights Law enacted?-2020

    Why isn’t the Animal Rights Law enacted?-2020

    Even though not reached the parliament, the President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and AK party ministers and deputies explained that the new law draft to be enacted. As that AK Party Group deputy chairman Özlem Zengin explained on 3th of February, the draft law to be enacted within 2 weeks. Accordingly, the "owned-unowned" distinction among animal rig

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  • Commodity Or  A Living Think

    Commodity Or A Living Think

    Our Legal System’s Unsettelled Decision:To Regard An Animal As A Commodity Or A Living Think...The most significant issue in Turkish Criminal Code and relevant regulations is the perspective of treating all things other than human beings as “a commodity” or “a good”. DEVAMI »

  • (*)How Long Torturing Animals Will Continue To Be Aceepted Merely As  a Misdemeanaur Instead Of Crime?

    (*)How Long Torturing Animals Will Continue To Be Aceepted Merely As a Misdemeanaur Instead Of Crime?

    The bone you give to the dog is not helpful unless you share the bone with the dog when you are as hungry as the dog JACK LONDON The justification of the La

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    HAYTAP (Animal Rights Federation in Turkey) is the first federation in Turkey which brought the associations for nature, environment and animal rights altogether in the same platform. It helps to raise public awareness for the subjects of violation of the nature and animal rights, files suits regarding current abuses, gets involved in training activities, does public relations in order to change relevant laws or makes sure the laws are applied in a better way. HAYTAP be

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  • Why Nobody in Turkey Adopts Second-hand (!) Animals ?

    Why Nobody in Turkey Adopts Second-hand (!) Animals ?

    With very few exceptions, people in Turkey rarely adopt ‘second-hand’ animals. Some may adopt from shelters. However, these people are exceptions in the hugeness of Turkey's geography, just like a drop in the ocean. I can repeat without fear the well-known fact that the ownership rate of used goods in Turkey is culturally very low. Everyone prefers new, young, and

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  • Election Contract For Turkish Candidate Mayors 2019 - English Translation

    Election Contract For Turkish Candidate Mayors 2019 - English Translation

    I PROMISE TO PROTECT THE RIGHT TO LIFE OF ANIMALS AND TO FIGHT FOR THEIR WELFARE. 1. In order to protect both human health and animal health, I will do my best to prevent the entry of all illegal domestic and exotic animals from abroad to our country and that I will not permit the exploitation and sale of animals through pet shops. 2. I will superv

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  • Books on animal rights
  • Corporate Supporter Companies of Haytap - FRIENDS OF HAYTAP

    Corporate Supporter Companies of Haytap - FRIENDS OF HAYTAP

    Since its establishment, many important corporations and leading companies have been providing support to HAYTAP. You can also always contact us for any kind of social responsibility project within your own company. You can help save many lives through HAYTAP and be the hero for many animals. Below you can find some of the companies that work together with HAYTAP. We have tried to give you a brief overview of their names and how they support us. When you click on each company, you w

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  • Turkey’s PM urged to take measures on animal rights with Haytap -2011

    Turkey’s PM urged to take measures on animal rights with Haytap -2011

    21/02/2011 A meeting between animal rights activists, the Istanbul mayor and the Turkish prime minister brings to the table a variety of animal-related issues from shelters to dolphin aquariums. Activists say Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has pledged to change and strengthen the current law on animal abuse after the upcoming general elections in June DEVAMI »

  • Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP Cooperation for Donations to Bodrum Shelter

    Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP Cooperation for Donations to Bodrum Shelter

    Toyzz Shop & HAYTAP Cooperation for Donations to Turgut Reis Animal Rehabilitation Center As long as Toyzz Shop and HAYTAP keep working together, goodness will grow and grow like the rings formed by the stone that is thrown into the water. In this world you can buy or sell everything. But dreams and smiles are neither bought nor sold. The dream world is the future of a child. A child develops

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  • HAYTAP’s Manifesto
  • How Can You Support Haytap Projects in The New Year?

    How Can You Support Haytap Projects in The New Year?

    1 - By buying the Haytap calendars for your friends; The Haytap- Wall Calendar consists of stray animals of Turkey 2 - By making hotel reservations through www.sosrooms.com; SOSRooms 3 - By buying our book on animal rights; DEVAMI »

  • HAYTAP Once Again Saved Many Cats and Dogs from the Cruel Pet Shop Trade!

    HAYTAP Once Again Saved Many Cats and Dogs from the Cruel Pet Shop Trade!

    HAYTAP bought kittens and puppies that were put on sale by Edirne Customs. Ali Can ZERAY / EDİRNE, (DHA) - Animal Rights Federation (HAYTAP) bought 6 kittens and 6 puppies, which were seized after being illegally trafficked into Turkey from Kapıkule and Hamzabeyli Border Gate in EDİRNE.

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  • (*) Pets in apartments

    (*) Pets in apartments

    Pets in a country where tolerance against these beings appears to be very low. The development of animal rights compared to most Western European countries regrettably remains behind.To what extent is a pet allowed in a residential park? Is a majority decision of the owner’s association valid regarding evacuation of a pet? Can a supervisor from a municipality decide about the evacuation of a pet? What are the rights of animals in Turkey?To be clear: Pets can not be evacuated eit

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  • Why is it necessary to microchip animals?

    Why is it necessary to microchip animals?

    There is one single question I get asked all the time by journalists and the one I have no answer to. —How many stray animals are there in Turkey? I doubt that anyone who is responsible for the matter within the Ministry or the mayors of municipalities have an answer to that question. They don’t actually even care. How can you sol

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  • ( *) Give Me Money to Protect Animals

    ( *) Give Me Money to Protect Animals

    --- Give me money, I will protect the animals! I already take care of the ones in front of my house. You are a charity, you should give me money. --- What? And where shall I find this money for you? --- You shouldn’t have started with your charity then…you go around saying you are a charity, an organisation, so you have the obligati

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  • The Boards We Put in the Istanbul Airport International Terminal

    The Boards We Put in the Istanbul Airport International Terminal

    İstanbul Dış Hatlar Terminaline Astırttığımız, Yasa Dışı Hayvan Girişinin Önlenmesine Dair Panolar.. Bunların ayrıca diğer dış hat terminallerinde ve gümrüklerde de olması gerekiyor. Karaköy ’de özellikle Ukrayna ve Rus Gemilerinin yanaştığı yere de astırmıştık.. Karaköy ’de özellikle Ukrayna ve Rus Gemilerinin yanaştığı yere de astırmıştık ancak

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  • (*) HAYTAP is against gigantic shelters such as Istanbul Kısırkaya !

    (*) HAYTAP is against gigantic shelters such as Istanbul Kısırkaya !

    RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCED TO THE PUBLIC The current Animal Rights and Protection Laws and Legislations stipulate that local municipalities are not only responsible for building shelters that are appropriate to animals’ nature, but for vaccinating, neutering and spaying of stray animals and releasing them back to areas where they were found. HAYTAP, has from very the start strongly opposed to the idea of filling up GIGANTIC SHELTERS WITH

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  • La Cour Internationale De Juctice Des Droits De L’Animal

    La Cour Internationale De Juctice Des Droits De L’Animal

    ANEX -Ci-dessous des liens vers la description des événements par les médias visuels locaux :http://www.haytap.tv/haytap-yunuslara-ozgurluk-kampanyasina-unlulerden-destek_9a4b97dcf.htmlhttp://www.haytap.tv/haytap-ozgur-yunuslar-etkinligi_2

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  • İBB Not Doing Enough For Horses On İstanbul islands

    İBB Not Doing Enough For Horses On İstanbul islands

    İstanbul’s Princes’ Islands are a popular weekend spot for many residents as well as tourists, but they have also long been the source of a large number of complaints -- both according to municipalities and animal rights groups -- about the systematic and conspicuous abuse of the horses that pull carriages on some of the islands. There are no exact

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  • Activists Expect Positive Revisions To Controversial Animal Protection Bill 2013

    Activists Expect Positive Revisions To Controversial Animal Protection Bill 2013

    Animal rights organizations recently had talks with top officials from the government on planned revisions to an animal protection bill that was withdrawn in October due to public outrage, considered a sign that civil society’s demands may finally be met in the new bill. Ahmet Kemal Şenpolat, chairman of Turkey’s Animal Rights Federation (HAYTAP) and a lawyer, is hopeful that an amendment meeting the demands of animal rights organizations will be presented to Parliament

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  • An Article  About HAYTAP

    An Article About HAYTAP

    Herkese Merhaba,HAYTAP artık akademik literatürde de yerini almaya başladı. Hocam Doç. Dr. Sema Yıldırım Becerikli ve akademisyen meslektaşım Didem Özkul’un 2009 yılında HAYTAP’ın Oy Yok! kampanyasına ilişkin yazmış oldukları İngilizce makale uluslararası bir derleme kitapta yer almakta.Kitabın Adı: Content, Channels and Audiences in the New Millenium: Interaction and Interrelations (Yayın Tar. 2010-Der. Elena Vartanova).Makalenin Adı: Online Public Relations Campaigns of NGOs in Turkey: an I

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  • (*)   Just After Gallipoli Wars - Çanakkale Savaşları Sonrası

    (*) Just After Gallipoli Wars - Çanakkale Savaşları Sonrası

    Bu memleketin toprakları üzerinde kanlarını döken kahramanlar! Burada bir dost toprağındasınız. Huzur ve sükun içinde uyuyunuz. Uzak diyarlardan evlatlarını savaşa gönderen analar, gözyaşlarınızı dindiriniz.Evlatlarınız bizim bağrımızdadır, huzur içinde rahat uyuyacaklardır. Onlar bu toprakta canlarını verdikten sonra artık bizim çocuklarımız olmuşdur... MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK  - 1934Those heroes that shed their blood

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  • Haytap Visit To Captain June in Dalyan

    Haytap Visit To Captain June in Dalyan

    8th November 2011: HAYTAP VISIT TO DALYAN and CAPTAIN JUNEDuring the Feast of Sacrifice HAYTAP in 2011, the  Animal Rights Federation of Turkey, HAYTAP ,  were having their 4th national representatives’ meeting of which one day would be spent in Dalyan.The HAYTAP participants made it a day of true recognition of June’s contribution to preserving Turkish wildlife and she was handed a certificate as proof of their respect and gratitude.The visit was even more special because

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  • Haytap Activists Count Down to Criminalization of Animal Cruelty

    Haytap Activists Count Down to Criminalization of Animal Cruelty

    In May 1937 the German language newspaper Frankfurter Zeitung reported that visitors to İstanbul 30 years prior found the city to be as overrun with dogs as the German town Hamelin was with rats. Today dogs and indeed cats continue as they have for centuries, forming part of the unique makeup of İstanbul and many other Turkish cities. Sunbathing on parched city greens, lumbering through marketplaces and patrolling bus stops, Turkey’s doe-eyed canine population is showi

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  • sosrooms.com   :   Book To Save Animals, Nature And The Poor

    sosrooms.com : Book To Save Animals, Nature And The Poor

    Book to save animals, nature and the poor A high school student has started a charity project for what he calls the three fundamental aspects of the world, by making use of global online hotel booking giant Booking.com’s affiliate program. Tolga Babür is raising funds for three charity organizations through bookings made on his website Tolga Babür, a 16-year-old high school student, has started a charity project for what he calls the three fundamental aspects of the

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  • (*) SAY “NO” TO ZOOS , AS WELL !

    (*) SAY “NO” TO ZOOS , AS WELL !

    So they say kids will find love there. The animals which they see on TV will come to their neighborhood and serve kids by presenting themselves physically. And they say when an elephant, a cheetah or a lion whose home is Africa; a bear who lives in the forests; a penguin living in the South Pole; a monkey who is happy jumping over the trees are dumped into a cage, into tiny little holes – the municipality will have fulfilled its responsibilities towards the residents. <

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  • Nobody in Turkey Wants A Dog, But Everybody Feeds Them

    Nobody in Turkey Wants A Dog, But Everybody Feeds Them

    ISTANBUL, Turkey – Every evening before closing, Hoyat Büfe owner Ceger Aydogan places a pile of chicken kebabs and sausages in an aluminum tray and waits for Nazli and Arap to come eat such a feast. At 8 p.m. they show up and devour the offerings. It’s been this way for the past three years. Nazli, a large black and brown female stray, and Arap, grey and brown like a wolf

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  • Whom Do You Serve, My Brother?

    Whom Do You Serve, My Brother?

    If you listen to Michael Jackson, eat hamburger, drink Coca-Cola, read only the bestsellers that American culture fancies, watch American films and series in the evenings, add English words to your speech, and “Turklish” has dominated your language, you should know that you are the number one nominee to be a governor of Anglo-Saxon culture in this country. Nobody can be a better colonial governor than you will be in the future. height=480 DEVAMI »

  • HAYTAP , Adding A New One To Its Devoted Efforts…

    HAYTAP , Adding A New One To Its Devoted Efforts…

    Animal Rights Federation HAYTAP adding a new one to its devoted efforts… On 22.01.2011, an education protocol was signed between the Animal Rights Federation and the District National Education Directorate of Cankaya on giving information about “Animal Rights and Affection” at schools. This protocol is planned to be a comprehensive study including all official and private primary and secondary schools that are under the

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  • Bloody Market of Petshops and Dogtraficcing (*)

    Bloody Market of Petshops and Dogtraficcing (*)

    Animal Health and Surveillance Act with number: 3285; not only prohibits entries of animals to Turkey unless a certificate of origin; an invoice; health certificates are presented or unless an animal is vaccinated but it also allows for killing of those animals if it deems that necessary. After ex-communist countires got acquainted with capitalist world and thei

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  •  (*) Istanbul : What Kind Of City We Want ?

    (*) Istanbul : What Kind Of City We Want ?

    Istanbul is a different city...The residents know well. Just in the middle of where the two continents meet, it differentiates itself from both the Eastern and the Western cities. It has such a standing at its unique geography that when it is necessary, it almost silently screams at the people who chose living here and says: “You must value and feel everything you see, smell and touch on this land. Here, every religion, race and sect, in fact every living…should live in peace and make

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  • (*) An Exemplary Project For Stray Animals

    (*) An Exemplary Project For Stray Animals

    In order to find a contradiction within us, this question is always asked: Do you want dog gangs and uncontrolled numbers of cats to roam around and threaten our kids? Are animals your priority? In fact, within itself what a poor question it is - and far away from seeing the solution. This question and such are trapping questions, as though to catch a contradiction within us. Yet, I’ve alwa

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  • (*) Institutionalizing in Animal Rights Movement and HAYTAP

    (*) Institutionalizing in Animal Rights Movement and HAYTAP

    I wanted to rewrite this text because of a question always being asked.If you are aware, we’ve long been struggling to form a national organization throughout Turkey. Unfortunately, local activities are not sufficient. Our name could still not go beyond the level of animal-lover.From time to time, I think that we tell and listen on our own.I bet most people agree with this.Instead of having achievements, we usually get bad news every week and the application

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  • The Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

    The Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

    The Animal Liberation Front (ALF) is a name used internationally by animal liberation activists who engage in direct action on behalf of animals. This includes removing animals from laboratories or fur farms, and sabotaging facilities involved in animal testing and other animal-based industries. According to ALF statements, any direct action that furthers the cause of animal liberation, where all reasonable precautions are taken not to endanger life, may be claimed as an ALF action.[2]

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  • (*) Turning Off The Tap by Closing The Valve !

    (*) Turning Off The Tap by Closing The Valve !

    If you please, let’s start the topic by giving a striking example:Do you know how many dogs are born from a pair of unneutered dogs if you don’t have any control on them? The answer is 5,000 - as much as a little town’s population. Because they know it, they still continue to poison them, or wait them to die in agony at the jail-like pounds into which they were jammed. Are the animals guilty for the increase in their population this way, or does the guilt belong

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  • (*) In Order To Help  The Weak

    (*) In Order To Help The Weak

    Fortunately, in recent years, many people have finally learned that the animal protection law is within the scope of misdemeanor law. We are quite proud to see those who as a result of our long efforts back up the significant detail we have been explaining since 2005 on why the law remains missing. Persistently focusing on the same issue and permanently remaining on the agenda by involving all layers of the society in the jobs that are none of our business must be our goals.In the same

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  • (*) Animal Protection Bill Law  No 5199

    (*) Animal Protection Bill Law No 5199

    ANIMAL PROTECTION BILL LAW  no . 5199TURKISH GRAND NATIONAL ASSEMBLYENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION  ANIMAL PROTECTION BILL LAW    Basis No: 1/323Accepted: June 24, 2004   ANIMAL PROTECTION LAWPART ONEGeneral Provisions CHAPTER ONEPurpose, Scope, Definitions and Principles       Purpose      ARTICLE 1 – The purpose of this law is to ensure that animals are afforded a comfortable life and receive good and proper t

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  • (*) The First Animal Rights Federation Of Turkey; HAYTAP

    (*) The First Animal Rights Federation Of Turkey; HAYTAP

    HAYTAP (Animal Rights Federation in Turkey) is the first federation in Turkey which brought the associations for nature, environment and animal rights altogether in the same platform. It helps to raise public awareness for the subjects of violation of the nature and animal rights, files suits regarding current abuses, gets involved in training activities, does public relations in order to change relevant laws or makes sure the laws are applied in a better way. HAYTAP be

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    My conscience is more to me than what the world says.Cicero I have been thinking about this notion for a very long time, longer than you can guess!However I can not figure out the moral side of it. I can only understand the disgrace, impudence, unfairness of human kind only when I look from their point of view, and then I feel shame to see this harsh world.What kind of a world do we live in ? And the victims

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  • I Clicked, I Clacked, And Thus I Protected Animal Rights!

    I Clicked, I Clacked, And Thus I Protected Animal Rights!

    Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of animals on the world are slaughtered every day by humans, mostly through heaviest suffering. Since they are treated as lesser souls and they do not have media through which they can publish their anguish nor they have activists to protect their rights, less than 1/1000 of their suffering can get through to us.Since animal rights activists are mostly disorganized and uncoordinated, such violations cannot be properly made into laws that prevent the

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  • (*)There is no Nationalism in Defending Animal Rights!

    (*)There is no Nationalism in Defending Animal Rights!

    The biggest union in which the notions of language, religion, race and nationality are not taken into account and in which everybody allies for one combat is the union of animal rights defenders.Our animal rights defender friends who are combating consciously for this matter are without prejudice towards each other. They all have one and only goal; is to obey the rules declared within the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights, adopted by the United Nations and also warn thos

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  • Meows and Woofs Translate to Votes

    Meows and Woofs Translate to Votes

    We will not vote for politicians who do not recognize and protect animals’ rights to live, HAYTAP said, adding that members of the group have visited the current mayors during the campaign and made presentations to them. Although their campaign has drawn attention, it is not enough, she said. Our primary goal is to have all candidates to sign the covenant. We still cannot free ourselves from the culture of shooting, poisoning and killing stray and needy animals

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  • Do Not Take My Loneliness

    Do Not Take My Loneliness

    We have been observing that the most studies done so far in order to enhance the animal rights movements and to make them go up to a higher class in Turkey, bring about solutions that are individual, isolated and even peculiar to themselves, only. Specifically; trying to maintain the shelters by a kind of wealthy people who may contribute and try to conceal the identities of those donators so that they would not be contacted by others and even the rescue activities carried out in th

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  • (*) What Must Be The Duties of An Animal Protection Society?

    (*) What Must Be The Duties of An Animal Protection Society?

    Up until now, animal protection societies are (mis)perceived as organizations for misbehavior denouncement and local facilities to abandon pets freely. However, we all know that in Turkey animal protection societies are always in a tough situation, both in terms of finance and qualified workforce. Economic difficulties, crises that became routine, shallow point of view on animal rights, inability of society managers to suppress their own egos and become a slave to it has proved in time to all of

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  • Please boycott China !

    Please boycott China !

    Please boycott the Olympics and all products made in China."Shocking Death Camps for Cats Result of Beijing Olympics Clean-Up"www.foxnews.comPLEASE CROSS POST!WAG will hopefully launch a massive media campaign in the future as we did with the 2004 Athens Olympics, and we will need all the help we can muster from each and every one of you. This is just the beginning! Report: Shocking Death Camps for Cats Result

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  • International Solidarity Against China!  2007

    International Solidarity Against China! 2007

    World wide there is going to be a show of solidarity in front of every Chinese consulate/embassy in every major city on 13th of February 2007. Please be so kind and help advertise this fact. Maybe you would even consider joining us?Our protest is non violent and confrontational.What: Protest against the Chinese fur industry When: Tuesday, February 13th, 2007 Where: Worldwide Chinese Embassies/Consulates. * If you would like to hold a demo, to repre

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  • Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare  (*)

    Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (*)

    Recommendations for Ministerial Conference consideration The following recommendations for the proposed Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare shall be considered in the preparatory process to the Ministerial Conference: PREAMBLE [The Costa Rica Steering Committee, following on from the Manila Conference on Animal Welfare, confirms:] That animal welfare is an issue worth consideration by governments. That the promotion of animal welfar

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  • Faults In Application of Animal Protection Law - Hurriyet (*)

    Faults In Application of Animal Protection Law - Hurriyet (*)

    We felt the need to emphasize the following points once more. These should be taken into consideration in terms of animal rights rather than animal lovers.HAYVANLARI Koruma Yasası 2004 yılında 5199 sayılı TBMM’den geçerek ve Resmi Gazete’de yayınlanarak yasalaşmıştır. Ancak son üç yıl içindeki uygulamalar bu yasadan özellikle tam verimin alınamadığını ve yasa çıkmadan önce devam eden endişelerimizin maalesef aynı şekilde tekrar önümüze gelmesine neden olm

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  • Animal Protection Bill Law no 5199 (*)

    Animal Protection Bill Law no 5199 (*)

    ANIMAL PROTECTION BILL LAW no . 5199TURKISH GRAND NATIONAL ASSEMBLYENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ANIMAL PROTECTION BILL LAW Basis No: 1/323Accepted: June 24, 2004 ANIMAL PROTECTION LAWPART ONEGeneral Provisions CHAPTER ONEPurpose, Scope, Definitions and Principles Purpose ARTICLE 1 � The purpose of this law is to ensure that animals are afforded a comfortable life and receive good and proper treatment, to protect

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  • Haytap’s Opinion Against  Peta’s Declaration

    Haytap’s Opinion Against Peta’s Declaration

    The declaration of PETA dated May 3rd, 2009 relating to putting to sleep (killing) the unattended animal is unacceptable to our federation. Even if the point of view of PETA, founded in the USA is based on the animal welfare, there are nearly ten thousand animal production farms in the USA actually and nearly 10 million healthy, possessed, not having any problems are being killed annually in the name of putting to sleep. DEVAMI »

  • (*) SOSROOMS.COM  for stray Animals

    (*) SOSROOMS.COM for stray Animals

    www.sosrooms.com http://www.sabah.com.tr/Cumartesi/2011/09/10/hem-tatil-hem-yardim Book to save animals, nature and the poor A high school student has started a charity project for what he calls the three fundamental aspects of the world, by making use of global online hotel booking giant Booking.

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    OUR LEGAL SYSTEM’S UNSETTELLED DECISION:TO REGARD AN ANIMAL AS A COMMODITY OR A LIVING THING … The most significant issue in Turkish Criminal Code and relevant regulations is the perspective of treating all things other than human beings as “a commodity” or “a good”. Yet that human-centric perspective seems to have been left behind in many countries of the West. Although animals do not ha

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